Who Am I
I go by the tag FortunesFavorite online, however if you are reading this you are likely interested in my real name which is Greg. I designed this website with a mix of Bootstrap5 and CSS grid to give it a feel that is more specific to me. I have linked this website to my profile on github and twitch so if you are curious about my history or skills there is plenty of information there. I stream programming on twitch to help encourage people to come and ask question so that we can solve them in real time. My streams of video games are purely for entertainment purposes, so the topics I discuss there can vary.
Prior to Programming and amature streaming I work in the pharmaceutical industry where I published two papers with my peers. The links to sites in which the papers are published are below. Please note the links will open in a new tab.
Streaming Schedule
I try to stream regulary at the following times with the following games. If you have a coding problem you would like me to attempt, or are interested in watching me play a game feel free to swing by and drop me a message. The worst that could happen is I am not interested which is unlikely.
Sunday - Programming
11:00 to 16:00
Monday - N/A
No Scheduled Time
Tuesday - Video Games
18:00 to 21:00
Wednesday - Programming
18:00 to 21:00
Thursday - N/A
No Scheduled Time
Friday - Programming
18:00 to 21:00
Saturday - Vaires